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Fall Lip Color Trends

Fall Lip Color Trends

It’s our favorite time of the year … not for the weather, of course, but for all of the new beauty trends straight from the runway that have made their way back again for another season. Although here in Los Angeles we are still having a heatwave, on the east coast fall is in full swing and so are all of the newest trends in makeup looks. You can check them out online, in magazines like Allure or Vogue while waiting to check out at the grocery store. Some you will love, some you will just like and some might even make you shutter and sigh a huge WHY?…But, isn’t it fun just to look?!  And what makeup junkie doesn’t like reading the New York Times Fall Beauty Section?

As you may or may not know, not all of the beauty trends are for every type of face and skin tone. So we suggest playing around with these beauty trends at home first to find out which looks works best for you. It can make all of the difference on how you present your gorgeous self this Fall in 2015.  It’s all about you and your inner beauty being brought up and out to the surface which we like to refer to as your own personal canvas and/or face. This is where you can express all of your moods!

There is so much to cover for Fall beauty trends but for now, we are going to focus on your LIPS!  You know that one feature on your face that you kiss with, pout with, laugh with and eat with Kissable Fall Lips are focusing on RED!  So, jump on board our red lip tour bus to learn the best way to find the perfect red color for your lips!

This Red lip color trend is not exactly new to the beauty world but tends to come and go along with the latest in fashion trends. Red lips have been bobbing up and down now for a few years and this Fall they are making a statement on the runway. Red is a very powerful color in general and it will definitely make a statement about you. So get ready to be fierce!!! There are a wide variety of red lipstick shades as well as textures, so, it is very important when choosing a red lip color to make sure you pick one that matches your skin tone. If you are one of our fair to light toned beauties, you will need a red lip color that has more of an orange pigmented base. These orange based red lip colors tend to compliment your beautiful creamy white skin and make your lips look sexy hot!

For our olive toned or dark toned beauties, you will want to check out the red lip colors that have a more purple-blue pigmented base. We think these red lipsticks were made just for your skin tone and will compliment your face. Some other beauty junkies might say the opposite of what we suggest. However, we feel confident about our suggestions and bottom line, the final decision is completely up to you and how you feel when applying your red lip color. It’s your personal canvas and you need to feel amazing about how you look. We wouldn’t have it any other way:)

Another dilemma you might run into is trying to sort through all the shades of red lip color. There are so many to choose from that you might not know where to begin. Avoid the stress and frustration immediately by visiting your nearest beauty counter and test all of the shades first. Take your time and really look at your entire face with the red shade on your lips.

If you aren’t sure, ask a salesperson or beauty adviser in the store for help. That is what they are there for. Never get bullied into buying a lip color or any makeup that you aren’t sure about. You want it to be a lip color that you plan on wearing a lot this Fall season. For me, I have to absolutely LOVE it with no regrets! You can always take a “selfie” of yourself wearing the color and share it with your friends to get their opinion. You can also go back to the beauty store the next day with your bestie and get their opinion in person.

If that doesn’t clinch your red lipstick purchase then maybe “red” is not for you, Just because it is in does not mean it suits your luscious lips…