6 Mascara Mistakes You Should Try to Avoid

With so many different type's of mascara available finding the one that best suits your lash needs has become pretty easy... getting your lashes to perform however is another story. Believe it or not, how you swipe the wand is just as important and by following all or just a few of the suggestions below, can be the game changer in your daily mascara routine.
1. To Curl or Not to Curl Your Lashes
Mascara will give you the lift you want but to get that super extension you see on so many celebrities you need to use a lash curler. If your lashes resist curling, a great tip is to heat the pads before curling which will give you an even more amazing lift. The key is to curl before applying your mascara. Curling after when the lashes are already hard can cause breakage, and sometimes even pull the lashes out. If the idea of using a lash curler scares you choose one without the bars on the side like Tweezerman Super Curl Eyelash Curler.
2. Over Doing By Adding Too Many Coats
We all love thick lashes but the more coats of mascara you apply (we usually stop at two), the more your mascara will dry during the application. The end result? Lashes that look clumped and the unnatural spidery look that is not so pretty. If a single or double swipe of mascara isn’t giving you the volume you need, you should consider using a thicker formula.
3. The Famous Pumping of the Wand
Pumping the wand in and out of the mascara tube to get more product may seem like a good idea while you're doing it, but what's actually happening is you’re adding air to the tube. What this does is dry out the mascara and causes it to clump when applying to your lashes and can even flake off. All of the things you don't want. If you desire more mascara and go for a second coat, trying dipping the wand in just once. If you turn up empty it's probably time for a new tube.
4. Using Expired Products
Most of us hate to part with a good mascara after just 3 months, but this is the point where bacteria begins to grow on the wand and inside the tube, and can lead to red, itchy eyes and and even worse, pinkeye. Now that is one eye makeup look that definitely falls under the category of "not good". Whenever you are using a makeup product so close to the eyes, you want to be extra careful. Even if you’ve only used your mascara a few times, the three-month rule should still apply.
5. Just Coating the Tips of Your Lashes
If you want beautiful lashes, you can’t just swipe your mascara to the ends only. To get the full effect you need to start as the base of your lashes and wiggle the mascara wand back and forth as you coat the hairs and move the wand from the base to the ends. This is what will give your lashes that extra lift.
6. The "I didn't mean to" Smudge on the Lids Look
Rushing, especially when applying mascara is never the best move. It can result in brushing beyond the lashes and onto the eyelids. Applying mascara only takes a few seconds beauties, so take your time! And if you still have a mess up, add a bit of makeup remover or eye cream on a Q-tip and wipe it off. A re-do isn't necessary.